What's New


New Program To Begin

Sponsors are needed it be individuals, Companies, Trusts, etc.

We are going to add a new Program to help individuals with counselling, financial, advice, if you have been a victim of Identity Theft, Identity Fraud, and the banks or financial institutions were not able to help or come thru for you.

We need your input and comments.  We want to do a documentary on this subject and would all those of have been a victim or going thru something right now to come forth and share your experience. 

We would like to start a monthly Newsletter.



What's Your Story?

Please send to us your story along with contributions to start our new Program to make people to become more aware.  Identity Theft is now the largest and fastest crime growing law enforcement agencies can not keep up with the overwhelming problem.

Your contributions to help get the word out more is helpful to bring in a newsletter, your advertisement is welcomed along.

$______25.00   $______50.00  $_______100.00   $_________and up

Credit/debit cards are accepted.

checks are accepted.